Targeted Case Management
COMHAR’s Targeted Case Management (TCM) program provides blended case management services to adults 18 and over with a serious mental health diagnosis that require additional community supports to help them meet their needs and work to achieve their goals. Our case management professionals provide services to people wherever they are: home, hospital, prison, provider agency, etc. We will meet with participants in their home, assess their needs and strengths, and assist them with developing goals to help them achieve stability and live their most meaningful lives. All participants receiving Targeted Case Management services must be referred by a provider and approved by the TCM unit Community Behavioral Health.
Our case management unit includes 3 specialty teams that provide services to the following populations:
- The Blended Generic Team provides services to individuals 18 to older adults
- The Young Adult Team provides services to individuals from 18-25
- A Bicultural/Bilingual Team provides services to individuals with a focus on the Hispanic Community.